Rocky Linux

Open-Source Operating System


Rocky Linux started on a solid foundation of CentOS in late 2020 when Red Hat end-of-life (EOL) the development of CentOS, a community-based Linux distro derived from Red Hat Enterprise.

The founder of Rocky Linux, Gregory Kurtzer, has made it clear that the goal of the community-driven project is to fulfill the original mission of CentOS.

Why Rocky Linux?

Rocky Linux is an open-source operating system that is now being widely adopted in the enterprise and High-Performance Computing environments as well as by leading cloud providers and hyperscalers.

How is Rocky Linux compared to Enterprise Linux version?

From day one, Rocky Linux has been fully compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux. It is considered enterprise-ready, with regular updates, and a 10-year support lifecycle. This is often referred to as “bug-for-bug compatibility.” The bottom line is this: compatibility at the most granular level and is under intensive development by the open-source community.

What companies are using Rocky Linux? Broad Industry Involvement

Rocky Linux is sponsored by Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, VMware… just to name a few.

Is it Free, and will it stay Free?

Rocky Linux is free to use. And there will never be licensing fees. It’s hosted by the Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation (RESF).


Recently, Rocky Linux achieved the latest milestone in the FIPS 140-3 validation process: being named to the NIST Implementation Under Test List. This extensive validation process is being underwritten by CIQ as a gift to the community.

Migration from other Enterprise Linux distributions

Migration is simple. Rocky Linux provides a simple migration script and is free of charge to everyone. Why not download Rocky Linux right now?

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Why Rocky Linux Is a Great Choice for Your Enterprise Needs

Rocky Linux is a community-supported, free, open-source operating system designed to be a drop-in replacement for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). It is based on the source code of RHEL and aims to provide a stable, secure, and consistent platform for enterprise users.

Open-Source doesn’t mean that you are on your own. Equus is a Full Stack Solutions Integrator and a leader in Open-Source Solutions. In partnership with CIQ, we will help customers with concept, design, deployment, and support.

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